Thursday, July 1, 2021




 The new way of life skill teaching in Swami Vivekanandha Sevai Maiyam / School4Change. This night school is in the process of giving student the holistic education which can help them to become good human beings in whole.

Theme and Vision

The main theme of our night school is, we don’t want our students to be identified as a one who gets high marks but as the one who is a good human to this society, Student can learn everything and what we as a school need to give them is not just education but a holistic education. In this society many people have no idea of holistic education, they font even know what is holistic education is.


A student needs 4 types of knowledge and they come under the category of holistic education.

  • Mental education.
  • Emotional education.
  • Physical education.
  • Spiritual education.


Giving students this kind of education is the never ending thirst of our nightschool. In our center students play games every Saturday. They play board games, heritage games and some plays field games like kho-kho, throw ball and all. Everyone plays games but the important thing is their mindset while they play games. Here we teach them to have a clear mindset that leads them to the joyful ending which is more important than victory or defeat.

While playing some plays to win and other plays not to lose, but no one plays just for the fun that they can get from the game. Thinking of winning is not a thing but being obsessed with victory will crumble your being if you lose.


We teach our students to enjoy the journey and not being obsessed and clingy with the destination, they know how to play for the sake of playing.


This teaching and learning will help them in the long run.  In the future they may become a scientist, a great speaker or may be a billionaire, whatever they do or us do their always will be someone to criticize us, to judge us. They may see some downfalls when they try so hard to fly high or whatever the hindrance they face as the march forward, that shouldn't affect them. They have the maturity to decide what they need to accept and what they need to decline from going inside their head. If we just give our best then we don’t need to worry about winning and losing, we will be satisfied with ourselves when we give our best and we never expect others recognition for our work either.


If you ask our nightschool students about their mindset, you can understand that they don’t give much thought to winning or losing they just say that they gave their best. When someone gives their best then the possibility of victory is high. When our student wins by giving his best we motivate them to push themselves and set a new line as their best. This gives a great hard work mentality. They will be well disciplined and honest person when they give their best.


They will become mentally strong because they know what they exactly want and they move accordingly. They will be emotionally strong because they know winning and losing is an inevitable part of game but they can remain calm because it's in their choice. They'll be physically strong when they are mentally stronger because they know without physical strength nothing can be done because this physic is the important thing for living. They also will be spiritually strong because they have the dedication which makes them a spiritualist. This is what we teach to our student, based on this knowledge everything happens in this nightschool we have our clear vision and mission for future student society that realizes the mean of the word 'be a change that want to see in this society'.


 We are teaching all this important life lessons through games. You can ask us if it's not for winning and losing then why they have to play. It’s so simple; they will have the joy of the journey. That joyfulness is what everyone is seeking outside when we need to find that from our inner self. Trying this kind of life skill education can improve yourself for better for the better version of you. 

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