Monday, February 20, 2023

Meeting with Mr.Derek Sivers Author of a book called "Anything You Want"

Meet Mr.Derek Sivers From the USA, Speaker, Book Author, writer of Anything you want & How to live, etc

Got prospect to describe school4change

It's a great opportunity
Thanks to Universe

Visit to Melathikan Middle School Thiruvannamalai

 Voice of the Founder,

The travel never ends for the one who is also in the process of seeking.
Our School4Change is in the process of meeting as many students as possible to provide them the value-based education.
We met with the Headmaster of Melathikan middle school Mr. Narayana samy and discussed implementing our inspiring student project in that school.
We are so grateful to Usman sir the retired headmaster who supported and guides us to meet many good-hearted people in Thiruvannamalai.
Thanks to the universe for the wonderful journey.

Volunteer meeting

 Voice of the Founder,

"A small group of determined and like-minded people can change the course of history."
We School4Change have organized a volunteer meeting to get ideas from the youngsters of our society to develop the government school students.
Mr. Suryaraj, Mr. Praveen Kumar, Mr. Jegan and Mr. Lokeshwaran have joined us for today's meeting.
Our youngsters are so enthusiastic to develop the next generation of our India.
We shared our thoughts and ideas to bring up our students.
The meeting lasted almost 3 hours but it never feels like the time is moving.
The goal of the meeting was achieved and we are so happy to meet our supporters and people who are all ready to take steps for the development of others.

Overall Champion Award


This Overall Championship is for the one who performs outstanding through out the whole month. 

To this reward all the happenings and documentaries and how responsible the teacher is throughout the month is what makes them deserve this reward.

This reward is presented to our teacher Mr. Shantha Kumar. His development is a significant one in this nightschool. His whole performance in January month exceeds other teachers in a really very tough competition.

Students Champion Award

This students champion award if mainly focuses on the areas of students growth, the teacher who is dedication to the growth of the students and strives to identify the talents of students.

The highlights of students and also the daily activity of the students in the report are taken into account for this reward

We present this reward to Miss. Sivagami for the dedication to bringing out the talent in students in a unique way.

One Day Champion

One day champion award is mainly focuses on the highest performance of a teacher in one day. 

 His perfect on time to nightschool, the way his interaction with student, his daily report of highlights and remarks are taken into account for this reward

This reward is presented to our teacher Mr. Shantha Kumar as One day champion of January 2023. He is a very passively growing person. His performance in one day became outstanding so we presented this reward.

Republic Day Event 2023

 Voice of the Founder,

The day our Indian constitution became a law of our country. It becomes a significant day for our nation.
This day is our Republic day. This is when we had our laws and orders. Dr. Ambedkar worked on this project to provide our nation with a new set of laws instead of the laws of British.
To celebrate this wonderful day of the 74th Republic day of India, we and Municipal school School Management organized an event at Thiruvottriyur Municipal High school (south).
Our students brought their dancing and speech talent to the table to entertain the audience and celebrate our Republic day.
Mr. Socrates, our special guest delivered a motivational journey of his own to our children. Students got inspired and motivated by his speech.
Moreover, the event was an ecstasy-filled moment.
Thanks to Thiruvottriyur Municipal High School Headmistress Mrs. Lilly Florance ma'am, teachers and children.
Thanks to my School4Change team and our beloved nature.

Thank You

Monday, February 6, 2023

Pongal Celebration 2023

Voice of the Founder,

In our nightschool we celebrated pongal with a rising sun. Our students and teachers organized the whole pongal event by being so responsible in their individual work in the event.

This is a wonderful morning with many laughter and memories. Many visitors were also joined with us in this celebration to make this event a wonderful one.

160th Vivekanandar birthday celebration

 Voice of the Founder,

The greatest saint; one man whose name echoed in all the corners of this world, a man who excelled in everything and represented India in the world’s parliament of religions.

 Vivekanandar is a man who says “Arise! Awake and stop not until the goal is reached”.

Swami Vivekananda is one of the spiritual leaders of our nation. He made this world to understand the value of our ancient teachings and methods.

He says that our nation youngsters have potential to change the world and now he became a role model of many youth.

Our nation is celebrating his birthday as a National Youth Day. On this eve in a way of expressing our thanks to his we had a conversation with our students about the supremacy of his teaching.

We talked about the 4 yogas that Vivekanandar excelled and his history. This inspired our students a lot to look after the way they lead their life in daily basis.

Science Lab

 Voice of the Founder,

Many lives are coming to this existance with the help of science and the since is becoming more powerful by its aurgumants and proofs.

In our School4Change we are providing our students a chance to learn more and more informations and attain knowladge.

It can never be late to learn new things. With the help of our nightschool teacher Vignesh our students examine the mosquito parts and salt crystals.

And after the observation our students write a note about what they saw in the microscope and what they understood in the process.

New Year Celebration 2023

 Voice of the Founder,

The year 2022 was a exotic year so far since the growth of our School4Change took a tremendous turn with a huge milestones.

Everything about our nightschool became massive in the year of 2022 our celebration started with the national youth day and ended in the newyear celebration and our projects started in adopting Thiruvottriyur Municipal High School to implementing our project to three schools and implementing one new project in our list.

To thank the privious year and to celebrate the upcoming year of 2023 we arranged an event for our students. We celebrated in a party style and had a snacks and cake with our students.

This celebration is a great start for this year and many days to come.

Christmas Celebration 2022

 Voice of the Founder,

The birthday celebration of a great saint Jesus was celebrated in our nightschool full of joy and peace which he preached to this world.

Our students went to the streets to share their joy with others as a symbol of love.

With the chocolates from Santa Claus to the laughter from the event, it's a celebration with dripping ecstasy.

Our Black Day History

 Voice of the Founder,

Why this School4Change is celebrating black day. 

In 2008 student joined our nightschool, his name was Sabari and he was a 12th-grade student at that time. After completing 12th he joined college and also he started to prepare for group exams to get a government job.

After one year he attended an exam that breaks his confidence a bit and led him to try another exam the next year. He was left in so much depression because of his family situation, that he believed that he'll pass the exam and would get the job to support his family.

There is no wrong in being depressed about something but staying in that state for long is wrong. I asked him for the reason for his backdrop and expected something like the question paper was tough or I didn't prepare well and so on.

But the reason he has given was so new and also it made me wonder how much crazy this society's beliefs are. He said that because of his black outfit on exam day he got failed. He also added that his parent's friends and relatives insisted he wears any other color than black so that he could pass the exams.

This surprised me because our education system should make us aware of these superstitious beliefs and guide us to the path of truth. But the human mind is still in condition with the colors, time, and events. We are letting the colors and events decide our thoughts and energy.

From this student, I understood that people are having many blockages and unrealistic beliefs in their minds.

The actual reason why we need to minimize the use of black color clothes is that it absorbs heat and light so it makes the human body temperature rise above its normal heat.

But we shouldn't let a single color decide our life here, that's what I thought when I heard the student lament.

Our life is not in the colors we wear on our bodies but in the thoughts, we wear on our minds. We should keep our thoughts so big and majestic to activate the royalty of life. So I started a black day in our nightschool.

Here we all wear black and enjoy our time with just love. In this event, we deepen our brotherly and sisterly relationship with one another.

We enjoy our time as much as possible and celebrate our existence with the color of the universe to its ultimate core. As years go by our celebration becomes more and more joyous and memorable but not less.

It's a great day and we are so happy for sharing the history of our black day celebration with you all.

2nd Branch of NightSchool in Municipal High School Thiruvottriyur

Voice of the Founder,

      Our School4Change is on a mission to develop outstanding leaders in our pupils, and a good leader must have a bold perspective as well as incredible determination and patience.

     Because our government school guys are so energetic and creative, we decided to launch a nightschool for males alone at Thiruvottriyur Municipal High School.

     We established our second branch in TVT School with eager kids in order to develop leaders capable of guiding themselves in the darkest of times.