Monday, February 6, 2023

Our Black Day History

 Voice of the Founder,

Why this School4Change is celebrating black day. 

In 2008 student joined our nightschool, his name was Sabari and he was a 12th-grade student at that time. After completing 12th he joined college and also he started to prepare for group exams to get a government job.

After one year he attended an exam that breaks his confidence a bit and led him to try another exam the next year. He was left in so much depression because of his family situation, that he believed that he'll pass the exam and would get the job to support his family.

There is no wrong in being depressed about something but staying in that state for long is wrong. I asked him for the reason for his backdrop and expected something like the question paper was tough or I didn't prepare well and so on.

But the reason he has given was so new and also it made me wonder how much crazy this society's beliefs are. He said that because of his black outfit on exam day he got failed. He also added that his parent's friends and relatives insisted he wears any other color than black so that he could pass the exams.

This surprised me because our education system should make us aware of these superstitious beliefs and guide us to the path of truth. But the human mind is still in condition with the colors, time, and events. We are letting the colors and events decide our thoughts and energy.

From this student, I understood that people are having many blockages and unrealistic beliefs in their minds.

The actual reason why we need to minimize the use of black color clothes is that it absorbs heat and light so it makes the human body temperature rise above its normal heat.

But we shouldn't let a single color decide our life here, that's what I thought when I heard the student lament.

Our life is not in the colors we wear on our bodies but in the thoughts, we wear on our minds. We should keep our thoughts so big and majestic to activate the royalty of life. So I started a black day in our nightschool.

Here we all wear black and enjoy our time with just love. In this event, we deepen our brotherly and sisterly relationship with one another.

We enjoy our time as much as possible and celebrate our existence with the color of the universe to its ultimate core. As years go by our celebration becomes more and more joyous and memorable but not less.

It's a great day and we are so happy for sharing the history of our black day celebration with you all.

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